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HANDI-GUIDE to Manitoba's OH&S Act, Regulation and Code – 2021 Edition contains the complete and current Occupational Health and Safety Act and regulations in Manitoba.


Durable, light-weight, and practical, this guide is perfect at the office or on any worksite. It’s a great safety tool for supervisors, workers and safety leaders. It also helps with worker training and increases worker and supervisor awareness of their responsibilities under workplace safety law.


Handi-Guide to Manitoba's Workplace Safety and Health Act and Regulations provides timely insights and interpretation on the scope and realities of OHS regulations in Manitoba. Each chapter includes updated commentary and legislative references, to help you become familiar with the law and effective OHS compliance. Updated commentary informs readers about these key duties and achieving OHS due diligence in your workplace or organization.


Note: Section 2.3 of the Workplace Safety and Health Regulation requires employers to provide workers with ready access to OHS legislation, while section 7.5(1) of The Workplace Safety and Health Act requires employers to provide workers with other required information that is prescribed by regulation or that may affect worker safety and health and serve to control workplace hazards.

Manitoba's Handi-Guide 2021

SKU: 42900952
  • Publisher:   Carswell

    Practice area:   Occupational health and safety

    Jurisdiction:   Manitoba

    Publication date:   2021-02-13

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